Ollie Jr and His 2020 Foals

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Ollie Jr and His 2020 Foals

Hello everyone! I was excited to spend some time with Ollie Jr and his band last week. The sun was setting fast so I had a short time to grab just a few pictures before I had to hike out. I am hoping to spend a little more time with them again soon. For those new to the page, Ollie Jr is a 2010 stallion who gained this band in 2018 when he stole stallion Cocoa’s mares shortly before he passed away. Ollie tried his hardest to keep all five of Cocoa’s former mares but would go on to lose Minnie and Dolly over the next month to different stallions. However, over the last few years, he has managed to hold onto Stormy, Autumn, and Sapphire. These three mares, his two yearlings Aqua and Applewood, and the newest foals make up his band today.

2020 Filly, Jewel out of Mare Sapphire – She is a beauty just like her older sister Aqua.

2020 Filly, Pixie out of Mare Stormy – She is her daddy’s mini-me for sure 😉

2020 Filly, Bess out of Mare Autumn – She is now 4 months old.