Remembering Mare Strawberry

Hello everyone. This is not the post I wanted to write today and I know it is not the one you wanted to see. Many of you know that this week Chris, Gary, Janice, and I have been out searching for Strawberry. Her 2020 Colt, Boomer recently appeared with Xander’s band without her and so we began to check the surrounding area and bands in an effort to find her. While out searching today, I was able to locate her and I am sorry to report that she has passed away. I had gone out today with hopes of finding her with one of the bands we had not checked but unfortunately, that was not the case. Based on her body, it appears she passed away sometime last week. While we knew this winter may be a rough one for her, losing her this soon was unexpected. The fact that her colt Boomer is back with his family despite the fact that prior to her passing they were moving from band to band and oftentimes alone, is nothing short of amazing. I do not know how it happened but I am grateful he is not out there on his own.
For those who may not know Strawberry, she was a 20-year-old mare who spent her entire life wild and free. She was dedicated to her stallions and I can honestly say was a mare who always put her foals first no matter what. This past year, not only did she help bring her colt Amite through the winter she also overcame several obstacles to bless us all with the adorable colt Boomer in May. In the fall, Eileen and I watched as she protected Boomer with every ounce of her being while they were shuffled from band to band. She was very thin but that did not stop her from providing him with milk and doing all she could to help him prepare for winter. She gave all she had to him until the very end.
While this was not the outcome we had hoped for, I am grateful once again that we were able to find her and have closure. In the coming days, we will share more on Boomer but for today let’s take time to remember his amazing mother and the impact she had on this herd. She will never be forgotten and I feel blessed to have known her for the past 6 years. The photos posted below I feel show the devotion Strawberry had to her foals. They couldn’t have asked for a better mother. Run free forever Strawberry and know that you were loved 

Strawberry and her 2017 Filly, Legacy

Strawberry and her 2018 Filly, Calypso

Strawberry and her 2019 Colt, Amite

Strawberry and her 2020 Colt, Boomer
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