Snip’s Gray

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Snip’s Gray

Hello everyone. Today, we need to talk about this amazing mare, 23-year-old Snip’s Gray. Until recently, she had been a long-time member of Sidekick’s band. A few things have happened with her over the past month that I would like to share with you today, as you may see her when visiting the park.
So what happened? At the beginning of May, some visitors to the park noticed she was missing from Sidekick’s band. Shortly after, they noticed a gray horse in the distance off from the band and asked if I could hike out and take a look. Another volunteer and I hiked to check on the horse, which was, in fact, Snip’s Gray. We observed Snip’s for a time and then left her to rest for the night.
I hiked to check on her the following morning and found her resting among some trees near where we had found her the day prior. She seemed to be doing better than the day before but continued to walk alone. For the next couple of weeks, I hiked to check on her when possible.
Being a mare on her own, she has had to contend with bachelors and other band stallions. I have documented her with Banty, Amite, Xander, and, most recently, Guardian. To my knowledge, Sidekick has not tried to take her back when he is near her. We are keeping our eyes on her and will update you if anything changes.
She is 23 and very thin but is also a fighter and is still our beautiful Snip’s Gray. As far as why she was separated from the band, her health was a factor. The photo below is from one of my more recent visits with her. Please keep her in your thoughts. ❤