Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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A Winter Look at Arrowhead

Hello everyone! Here is a recent look at Arrowhead and some of his girls as they went into winter. His filly Antice, out of Domino, is six months old now and beautiful. I love her wild mane! She does not have a young playmate but I think Opal sometimes is willing to be that for…
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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Medora, ND! May you have a wonderful holiday with family and friends. Thank you for your support of the amazing horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park this past year! Pictured: Mare Flicka – the oldest horse in the park. She will be 24 with the new year!

Growing Up Fast

Hello everyone! I had planned on sharing a different band with you today until I came across this cutie yesterday. As I was hiking back to my car, I came over a hill and ran into Maverick and his band. This is Arey, the colt out of Skipper born at the end of September. He…
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Catching Up With Copper

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at Copper and his band after we finally made our way over to them on the day with the crazy wash. Luckily, we were able to sit with them for a bit before they moved on for the night. Everyone in his band looks great going into winter.…
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Getting Through the Winter

Hello everyone! When the winter season begins, I am often asked how the horses get water. The answer to that depends on the amount of snow we have on the ground. Sometimes the horses will have access to melting ice all over while at other times, the ground will be covered with several feet of…
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Let the Horses Lead the Way

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at Sidekick and some of his mares from last week. After the bachelor boys finally left the area, the band was able to relax. We sat with them for a short time before heading off to see more horses. There was a large wash separating Sidekick and Thunder…
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