RIP Sweet Ginger

Hello everyone. I wanted to take a moment tonight to thank all of you on this page as well as, Wild in North Dakota. The loving response to Ginger’s passing was overwhelming and so greatly appreciated. Many of you have never seen her in person and yet you all honored her as if she was your own. I will never be able to properly express enough how much that kindness means to all of us who knew her. You helped make a rough time easier and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
There are still a lot of kind people in this world and Eileen and I are extremely lucky to have so many of them on our pages. Not only that, the horses are lucky to have people from all over the world who truly love them. So again, thank you! I will have more photos and updates from the park for you all soon.
Pictured: Our beloved Ginger <3