Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Wind Dancer and Buster

Hello everyone! I have come across these two boys a lot recently. These two bachelor buddies, Wind Dancer, and Buster, found one another back in September. They have stuck together since then and are doing well. When Wind Dancer first became a bachelor, he had a very seasoned Granite’s Boy to show him the ropes.…
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A Look at Satellite Before Winter

Hello everyone! Here is a look at Satellite and his band. I have sat with them a couple of times over the last two weeks and everyone looks well. Almanac is so adorable in her winter coat. She is growing so fast and will be as big as her dam, Minnie, in no time. Enjoy!

Two Days With Coal

Hello everyone! I was recently asked how Coal and his band are doing. Luckily, this week they made an appearance so I was able to sit with them. For those new to the page, Coal is the 2004 son of the oldest mare in the park, Flicka, by the late, Curious George. Today he holds…
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Sweet Ardena

Sweet little Ardena is almost 3 months old. She is out of Mare Pretty Girl x Red Face. I watched as she grazed near her daddy and would occasionally stop and look in the distance. At first, I couldn’t see what she was checking but before I left that night, Half Moon made his presence…
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Winter Ready

Hello everyone! After my time with Perty, I hiked back over to also sit with her former band. Here is a look at her sire, Red Face and his lovely lady, Frosty as they begin to go into winter. Both are doing well and look stunning in their winter coats. It really is amazing how…
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Wild Strength

Hello everyone! One of my goals this past week was to try and find Gunner and Perdita (Perty). After checking a couple of different spots and having no luck, they finally appeared. The temperature outside was in the 40’s so I grabbed my camera and headed out to see Gunner’s little family. After I hiked…
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