Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Bayou’s New Band

Hello everyone! I spent some time with Ollie Jr’s band today and checked up on Annabella and her new colt, Huck. They both appear to be doing well. I came across one more surprise when I found the band today. They have recently added another member, Bayou, a two-year-old from Sidekick’s band. Bayou also happens…
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Red Dogs

Hello everyone! Horses are not the only ones having babies right now. The red dogs (bison babies) are being born left and right. If you have never seen them in action, now is the time to visit the Park. They are a joy to watch once they start running around and testing their legs. Enjoy…
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Cricket and Millie

Hello everyone! Today I have for you a look at the two adorable fillies in Flash’s band, Cricket and Millie. It took some work finding them after the storms, but they both made it through just fine and are doing well. They are already trying to play with one another when their dams are not…
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Annabella and Huck

Hello everyone! We have another new foal in the Park and the new mom did great waiting until after the storms. This new addition is an adorable colt named Huck out of Mare Annabella (Bella x Sidekick). She is currently in Ollie Jr’s band. She is another first-time mother and is doing a great job…
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Not So Little Anymore

Hello everyone! I have more photos of the foals from this past week to share with you, but first, I thought you might want to see this beauty. Can you believe this is Little Mo!?! She grew over the winter and is absolutely stunning right now. Enjoy this look at her, and have a great…
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Braving the Storm

Hello everyone! I know many of you have been waiting for this post. It has been a long couple of weeks with huge amounts of snow and rain, but I am happy to report that all of our 8 foals made it through the storms. They have some amazing mommas who performed nothing short of…
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