Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Sapphire and Sterling

Hello everyone! The babies just keep on coming and today we have this cutie to share with you. Mare Sapphire of Ollie Jr’s band has foaled and added another adorable colt named Sterling to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park herd. He is the first foal for the band this year and appears to be doing…
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Too Cute to Scold

Hello everyone! Here is a little cuteness to start your week. This is 2021 Colt, Black Hawk out of Mare Grace in Copper’s band. As you can see, he is enjoying a little tail chewing. Only that isn’t his mom, but instead a very patient Mare Daisy. She is always such a great auntie to…
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Firefly and Flyer

Hello everyone! Last May I was walking back to my car from a late afternoon hike and was blessed with a surprise from Mare Firefly. Right across the street from where I had parked was Firefly and her new filly Bluff. Almost one year later, Firefly surprised me once again! I was on my way…
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Sidekick On The Run

Sidekick wasn’t too happy when his girls were spread too far apart late one afternoon. I turned around to see him come up and over a hill to collect the ones who were lagging behind. There is nothing like seeing a Band Stallion on the run!

Minnie and Satine

Hello everyone! Today I have for you a look at Almanac’s little sister, Satine. She is about 6 weeks old now and doing great. Several of you asked about Satellite, the sire to both Almanac and Satine. For now, he is walking with the young bachelor Applewood and continues to heal. Maybe someday he will…
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Almanac and Flash

Hello everyone! This beautiful girl is 2019 Filly, Almanac out of Mare Minne by Stallion Satellite. With Stallion Flash taking the entire band from Satellite this spring, Almanac is now experiencing life with her first band stallion (who isn’t her father anyway). She and Flash seem to be getting along quite well. There has been…
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