Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Updates From the Park

Hello everyone! Tonight I have a few updates for you. Oftentimes I get behind when changes happen and do not get around to sharing them all right away so here are a few things that have occurred lately in the Park. •As many of you may already know, Trooper stole the remaining girls from Maverick…
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A Look at Mystique

Hello everyone! Tonight I have for you an update on our newest foal, Mystique. She is a couple of weeks old now. I have seen her several times this week but these photos are from my visit with them last weekend. I hiked out to the band one morning and they were all down taking…
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Amazing Big Brother

Hello everyone! Today I thought you might enjoy an update on Boomer. I realized I had not updated on him for a while so here you go! I spent quite a bit of time with him and Xander’s band in the last week. Several times when I first came upon the band they were all…
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Blue Angel Among the Hoarfrost

Hello everyone! We had another foggy day yesterday which means more hoarfrost. I have decided that Blue Angel is my favorite horse to photograph in that kind of weather. Her blue eye really stands out against the frosty terrain. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and this beautiful filly in Xander’s Band.

Fun Friday Part 23

Hello everyone! It is time once again for ‘Fun Friday!’ I was in the Park all day so I apologize for the late post. Tonight I thought I would share with you some of the handsome guys of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We have some good-looking stallions out here that is for sure. Enjoy and…
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Sisterly Love – Emmylou and Little Mo

Hello everyone! It was a chilly day in the Park today but was worth being out to get to spend some time with these two silly girls. Mare Emmylou and her baby sister, Little Mo, were so much fun to watch this afternoon. After Emmylou got back from her ‘visit’ with Stallion Remington and Little…
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