Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Small Body, Big Heart

Hello everyone! I know how you all like your updates on Little Mo so here is one from this week. I actually saw her several times and she is still doing great. She was napping with Flame one afternoon and playing with Ember’s Girl’s filly, Emery on another. It is so hard to show you…
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Filly Noelle – The First Foal of 2021

Hello everyone! Well I know it is January but once again we have a new foal on the ground and our 2021 foal season has begun. Mare Holly of Georgia’s Boy’s band gave birth to this darling filly sometime in the last day. I was with the band yesterday afternoon and there was no foal…
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Half Moon’s Mini-Me’s

Hello everyone! Earlier this week I shared with you all a look at Beaver and her playdate with Copper’s filly, Belle. Today I wanted to give you a closer look at her and her sister, Star. These two are another example of how much these foals can grow to look like their dam or sire.…
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Just Like Mom

Hello everyone! Watching foals grow each year is such a joy. Watching them grow to look exactly like their dam or sire is extra special. The older filly Thunderbird gets the more she looks like her dam, Thunder Rose. They are even starting to look alike from behind so I had to share a photo…
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Making Friends

Hello everyone! I was spending some time with Copper’s band recently when the two young fillies from Half Moon’s band, Star and Beaver, decided to walk over and say hello to Belle, Copper’s filly out of Faith. They weren’t too sure about one another at first and Star decided to walk off. Her big sister…
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A Tribute to Our Oldest Horse Flicka

Hello everyone and Happy 2021! I wanted my first post of the year to be a special one and have been planning to share these photos for the past two weeks. I can’t think of anything more special than to celebrate the fact that with the new year, this beautiful gal is now 25! This…
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