Tag: wild and free

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On Cloud Nine With Thunder’s Band

Good morning! One evening I was in the park and was photographing several bands up by Boicourt. These amazing clouds moved in and looked beautiful behind the horses. Below are a few photos of Thunder and his band. I always love seeing Pale Lady interacting with her fellow mares. Enjoy and thanks, everyone!

A Morning With Circus

Hello everyone! Here are a few photos from my morning with Circus last week. He has an old leg injury from years ago. It hasn’t stopped him from harassing the other stallions or even spending time with a few of the ladies in the park. He appears to be doing well for 19 years old!

Say Hello to Dolly’s New Colt

This week not only brought Firefly’s new filly but also a new colt out of Mare Dolly. The presumed sire is Flax. The park hasn’t named him just yet but hopefully will soon. He is a little cutie and a beautiful addition to this band. Enjoy and thanks, everyone!

A Filly for Firefly

Look who finally arrived! Firefly foaled sometime this week and had a beautiful filly. Eileen and I hiked out twice to check Firefly during her visit and we knew she needed more time despite her big size. We didn’t realize however, she needed another month! This sweetheart was definitely worth the wait. I have been…
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Handsome Bachelor

Remington made a brief appearance on the loop road yesterday. He has been staying out at the park border a lot lately. He does have a cut on his front leg that could possibly account for him wanting to spend time out there alone. Hopefully, this beautiful boy heals up fast. Have a great weekend…
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Party Crasher at the Waterhole

After the horses reached the water hole the other night, we were able to enjoy time with several different bands. One horse, in particular, was the only one to roll in the tiny hole and still managed to completely cover himself in the mud. The first photo shows several of the horses as they gathered…
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