Tag: wild and free

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Trouble’s Girl and Anthem

Hello everyone! We had another new foal born in the park last Friday. This time it was a colt out of Mare Trouble’s Girl. The presumed sire is Wildrye. The park has given him the name Anthem after a stream in Washington. I had the privilege of spending time with him on two separate occasions…
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Amargo, Amite, and Anzar

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the three other babies born at the end of April. First, a filly out of Mare Thunder Rose and the presumed sire is Flax. The park has named her Amargo after a stream in New Mexico. Second, a colt out of Mare Strawberry and the presumed sire is…
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Rosie and Aloe

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the adorable new colt out of Mare Rosie. The presumed sire is Half Moon. The park has given him the name Aloe after a lake in Montana. He is such a little cutie! He is so fun to watch especially since he is constantly running laps around Rosie.…
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Coal On Alert

Hello everyone! I thought you might enjoy a look at the presumed sire of the adorable colt, Amantes, from my previous post. This is 2005 Band Stallion, Coal. He has had a lot going on lately on his side of the park. Not only does he have a new colt to look after, but he…
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Betty Blue and Amantes

Hello everyone! It was a cold day in the park today but a successful one. There are five new babies and I was fortunate to see several of them today. Tonight I would like to share with you a look at one of the babies I am very excited about. This little colt is out…
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Minnie and Almanac

Hello everyone! There is another new foal in Satellite’s band. This time it’s a filly out of 2016 Mare, Minnie. She joined Satellite’s band last May after being with Cocoa and very briefly, Ollie Jr. She is a first-time mom and seems to be doing well. Her little filly, who the park has named Almanac,…
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