Love and Joy – Gigi and her colt, Arcola

Today’s post is a two-for-one! Not only do we have a new foal in the park, but we also have a band change as well. 2014 Mare, Gigi gave birth to a beautiful colt this past week. The park has given him the name Arcola after a stream in Iowa. The sire is anyone’s guess as this time last year the band was with several different stallions. No matter the sire, Arcola is a darling little guy with one of the best first-time moms I have seen out here. She is doing a great job of protecting her new baby while the family deals with the change of stallion. Sometime in the last few days, Grady managed to steal the band from Ranger. For most of the morning, the family stood close to Gigi helping her look after her colt while Grady stood off in the background. However, at one point Grady made a bold move and tried to breed Blondie but three-year-old Buster quickly stepped in to stop it. Blondie helped raise Buster after his mother Ghost died so he is protective of Blondie, to say the least. It will be interesting to see if Grady can manage to keep the band or if Ranger can steal them back. I will let you know if anything changes. In the meantime, enjoy this adorable new addition to the TRNP herd!

Mare Gigi and her 2019 Colt, Arcola

Mare Gigi and her new colt, Arcola – Grady is on the far left. Twister, Blondie, and Buster are behind Gigi.

2016 Stallion, Grady (Lacey x Clinker)

Everyone watching over Arcola as he sleeps. (L to R: Gigi, Buster, Blondie, and Twister – Grady is in the back.