Tag: wild horses

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Flax and His Family

Hello everyone! With the news of Thunder Rose’s new filly, I thought I would share photos of the entire band. I had the chance to sit with them on a few separate occasions before the park closed. One day Flax was away, causing trouble no doubt, so Mae was on the lookout until he returned.…
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A Little Birdie

Hello everyone! Just before the park closed, I caught up with Mystery and his band. Eagle and her filly, Birdie were kind enough to pose for me. Mystery was on alert as the bachelors were still in the area causing trouble. Soon after this visit, another mare of his, Ember’s Girl, gave birth to another…
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Another Colt For Frosty and Red Face

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. With all of the new babies born in March and April, I got behind on sharing more on this darling boy. This is one of the three new colts in the park, Banty. He is out of Frosty by Red Face. Before the park closure,…
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A Quick Visit With Teton

Hello everyone! I was able to spend about five minutes photographing Teton’s band yesterday. Then he irritated Goblin and Shay causing the entire band to run off. Since I cannot follow them right now, that was the end of that visit. However, I was able to see Goblin’s new filly and get a few photos…
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Grady and His Band

Hello everyone! Last weekend, Grady and his band made an appearance. I had not seen them up close for a while so it was nice to get eyes on everyone. Gigi’s 2019 colt, Arcola has changed so much. He is still very close with Mare Blondie which is sweet. It is nice to see them…
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A New Filly for Little Gray

Hello everyone! I was lucky this week to see Wildrye and the newest member of his band. Little Gray recently had a filly adding baby number two to their family. The park has named her Bendemeer but the public has chosen to name her Pippi because of her long stockings. She appears to be doing…
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