Arrowhead’s Kids

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the youngsters in Arrowhead’s band. He has three 2020 foals, including Arrow, who I shared with you last week, Betsy (Betts), and Blackjack as well as one yearling, Antice. I spent an evening with them recently and Blackjack was so adorable. He has changed a lot over the last month both in looks and personality. It was so fun to watch him play with each of his sisters and chase them around. The best part was seeing him interact with his full sister, Antice. Below are a few photos of Blackjack and his sisters. Enjoy!

2020 Filly, Betsy (Betts) out of Papoose

2019 Filly, Antice out of Domino

Betsy and Blackjack

2020 Colt, Blackjack out of Domino

Mare Domino and her kids, Blackjack and Antice

Antice and Blackjack – he sure loves his big sister <3
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