Tag: wild horses

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Checking Up on Wildrye’s Band

Hello everyone! Last month was an interesting one for Wildrye and his band. He briefly lost his oldest mare Trouble’s Girl and their colts, Anthem and Blazo, to the young stallion Grady. They live on the same side of the Park so it would be easy for one or the other to take a mare…
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An Evening With Georgia’s Boy

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. This past week I spent some time with Georgia’s Boy and his band. I caught up with them just before sunset and was happy to see them all doing well. Flicka and Shale were back in the trees most of the…
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Afternoon Rendezvous With Emmylou

Hello everyone! I recently caught Emmylou on another afternoon rendezvous. Emmylou has been having brief visits with other stallions for many years now but always goes back to Red Face and her mom, Flame. This time she was with stallion Remington. Although Remington was doing his best to keep her there, I knew Red Face…
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A Look at Arrowhead’s Growing Foals

Hello everyone! To start off the week I thought you might enjoy a look at Arrowhead and his foals. They are all getting big and look gorgeous in their winter coats. He sure makes good looking kids! I will write under each photo to help with identifying. Enjoy this updated look at these cuties and…
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History of Guardian and Half Moon

Hello everyone! With new people to the page, I thought today I would share a brief history of the relationship between stallions Half Moon and Guardian. We oftentimes share on the saga between these two as it has been ongoing for three years now. They came together in the spring of 2015 when Half Moon…
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Holding Onto His Girl

Hello everyone! I recently spent some time with Guardian and his band. As many of you know, he has done a back and forth holding mare Freckles for quite some time. He and stallion Half Moon have a continued battle over who has her and for now, Guardian does. Also in the band is the…
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