A New Filly For Raven

Hello everyone! Once again, I have an update on Mystery’s band except for this time it is GOOD news! I went out this morning to look for them and was treated with an extra surprise. Mare Raven has a new filly! She was not there last Friday so she was born sometime in the last week. She appears to be doing great. I watched her run around Raven many, many times and explore a little. I am including a photo taken two weeks ago of Raven when she was still pregnant that gives you a good look at her face so you can see how much this little one looks like her mom. As always, keep this little girl in your thoughts and prayers as we are not done with winter yet. Thanks, everyone!

She was very interested in this particular bush. It is always fun to watch foals discover new things in the park 😉

2020 Filly out of Raven x Mystery

Raven and her 2020 Filly

Mare Raven two weeks ago when she was still carrying her little filly.