A Welcomed Surprise

Hello everyone! I found a surprise today so I had to share it with all of you before I called it a night. After going for an afternoon hike, I was headed for my car and was ready to leave the park when I saw Frontier’s band. They were grazing across the street from where I had parked so I stopped briefly to see them. I noticed something in the grass behind Firefly and then this cute little face popped up! Firefly had her baby! I got in my car and sat while the baby slept and then was able to capture some photos of her just before sunset. She is so cute! Help us welcome another little girl to the TRNP herd and have a great rest of your night. Thanks, everyone!

Firefly rolling in the dirt with her new filly nearby.

Firefly and her 2020 Filly

Checking on mom while she takes a little break ❤️
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