Blue Angel and Her Momma Angel

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Blue Angel and Her Momma Angel

Hello everyone! For this Monday, we will look at the beautiful Mare Blue Angel and her dam, Angel. These two continue to run together in Xander’s band. Something about Blue Angel and her one blue eye is so striking. The day she was born, I had a feeling Angel was going to foal, so I hiked out Talkington in hopes of locating the band. Once I did, sure enough, there was a tiny filly with Angel. She was born on a cold day in early March and was an absolute doll. Below is a look at Blue Angel, her momma Angel, and an added look at Blue Angel the day I found her back in 2020. Enjoy!

Blue Angel as a new foal in 2020

Angel and her daughter, Blue Angel (Bales)

Blue Angel and her momma Angel