Category: Coal’s Band

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Cagney’s New Girls

Hello everyone. Today, I want to share a couple of different things with you. First, a little update on 2018 Band Stallion, Cagney. If you have been following the horses for some time, you will remember that he lost part of his band to stallion Bokel earlier this year. He did his best to keep…
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Fun Friday Part 35

Hello everyone! It is time again for another ‘Fun Friday!’ I have many images from this summer I have not had the chance to share. Today’s photo selection will feature several of the beautiful horses living inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I will write under each photo, so be sure to scroll through to read…
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Frontier’s Band Hiding Out

Hello everyone! The weather was beautiful last week, so my friend and I set off to look for band stallion Frontier. They tend to frequent various difficult areas of the park, so finding them can be a task. It took several tries, but we finally located them, which was amazing! Mare Poppy joined the band…
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New Bachelor Beau

Hello everyone! Along with the new foals in the park, we have also had some other changes. That includes adding one more bachelor to the mix. Beau, the 2021 colt out of Pretty Girl, is now running with the young bachelors often seen on the park’s east side. He and his mother have been moving…
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Mix-ups With Coal

Hello everyone! Today I have a two-for-one update to share. A lot has happened in Coal’s band over the past two weeks. One afternoon, Coal showed up alone without his band. Cloud, Bokel, and Blazo were in the area but not with Coal. Over the next few days, we saw Amantes try and defend his…
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Coal Along the River

Hello everyone! I was able to spend a short time with Coal and his band this week. Luckily, some friends I met last year were visiting the park and led me in the right direction. I appreciate that! Everyone looks really good after our harsh winter. Amantes is still with the band as a four-year-old.…
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