Closer Look at Georgia’s Boy

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a closer look at Georgia’s Boy and his entire band. He has held mares Whiskey, Holly, and Shale for some time. Finn is the 2021 colt out of Shale and Georgia’s Boy. Busy Blue joined the band last year from Coal’s former band and appears comfortable spending her days with the oldest band stallion in the park. As I mentioned in the last post, Mare Bee joined the band in September, while Noelle, a filly born the same year as Finn out of Holly, has now joined Casper’s band. Casper and his band spent a lot of time near Georgia’s Boy’s band over the past few months, so it is not surprising that the two stallions ended up trading mares. Enjoy this look at Georgia’s Boy and his band!

Georgia’s Boy, Shale, and their boy, Finn

2021 Colt, Finn (Shale x Georgia’s Boy)

Three lovely ladies all looking good for their age – Shale(22), Whiskey(14), and Busy Blue(24)

Mares Whiskey, Busy Blue, and Holly

The new addition, Mare Bee, is spending time with Whiskey.
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