Flax’s New Girls

Hello everyone! We are looking at Flax’s band again today and the two other additions from Maverick’s band. Mare Skipper and her 2019 Colt, Arey, joined the band at the same time as Aurora and Bluegrass. These two keep to themselves, and I have not really seen them interact much with Flax. I find it interesting that Dolly is also Skipper’s dam, and this is the first time I have seen them back together since 2015. Shortly after I started tracking, Brutus stole Skipper, so I have only a handful of photos of her with Dolly. So far, Flax has allowed Arey to stay, but that may all change. I have a feeling Skipper will have a lot to say about that when the time comes, though. Below is another look at Flax, along with Skipper and Arey. Enjoy and have a great night!

Mare Skipper and her 2019 Colt, Arey (x Brutus)

Skipper and Arey
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