Fun Friday Part 10

Hello everyone! It is Friday once again and time for ‘Fun Friday’ photos. Today I have a mix of the beautiful horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I will write under each photo so be sure to scroll through. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

2020 Filly, Blue Angel out of Angel x Thunder – She is currently in Xander’s Band.

2014 Band Stallion, Maverick

2010 Band Stallion, Half Moon

Copper’s Band – (L to R) Grace, Copper, Juniper, Belle, Daisy, Faith, and Esprit

2014 Band Stallion, Xander

Mare Sapphire’s girls – Jewel and Aqua of Ollie Jr’s Band

2014 Band Stallion, Remington

Red Face’s Band (L to R) Frosty, Banty, Red Face, Flame, Molly, Ardena, Pretty Girl, and Emmylou – Fillies Emery and Birdie are in front grooming one another.
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