Fun Friday Part 35

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Fun Friday Part 35

Hello everyone! It is time again for another ‘Fun Friday!’ I have many images from this summer I have not had the chance to share. Today’s photo selection will feature several of the beautiful horses living inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I will write under each photo, so be sure to scroll through to read more. Enjoy this look at this amazing herd fun, safe holiday weekend!

The boys hanging out one afternoon – Wildrye, Arcola, Anthem, and Wind Dancer

Teton’s band coming down to the river for a drink.
(l to r) Teepee, Goblin, Trinity, Blossom, Monet, Indian Paintbrush, Titan, Tucker, Ruby, Shay, and Teton is in the back.

Mare Dolly and her sleepy colt Casey.

Boomer and Winchester

Mare Taylor keeps watch on her band stallion Xander, as he chases another stallion out of the area.

New member of Frontier’s band Poppy, spending time with the lead mare, Smokie.