Fun Friday Part 37

Hello everyone! It’s time for another ‘Fun Friday’ post. For those new to the page, occasionally, on Friday, I will post a group of photos featuring different horses from the herd. If possible, they will have a common theme. Today, I wanted to share some of the photos from this fall that I did not find the time to post. I will add more information under each photo and something different at the end, so be sure to scroll through. Enjoy, and have a nice weekend!

Stallions Cagney and Flax were having a disagreement.

2020 Mare, Bonnet, with her darling filly Breeze of Grady’s band and a bison friend.

2020 Mare, Little Mo is looking as gorgeous as ever. She and her filly Meadow are currently in Gunner’s band.

Remember the tiny black foal born to Teepee two years ago? Well, this is 2022 Colt, Titan now. He is still in Teton’s band with his dam and little sister Trinity.

Occasionally, the young boys will meet up for a day. On this day, 2020 Bachelor Stallion, Bokel was hanging out with 2022 Colt, Shooter.

2022 Filly, Sienna had a rough time with two leg injuries this year. She has since healed and is doing a lot better.

2019 Mare, Archer of Casper’s band, blending in with the fall backdrop.

This is the view from where Georgia’s Boy and his band live. As you can see, the river got very low this fall. If you look closely, you will see Grady’s band at the bottom left and a few bachelors at the top right.
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