Fun Friday Part 7

Hello everyone! It is Friday and time for another ‘Fun Friday’ post. Today’s post is going to be all about the girls of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I will write under each photo to give you a little more detail on each of these beauties. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

2018 Filly, Patience – She is out of Smokie and her presumed sire is Frontier.

2020 Filly, Berkleigh – She is out of Goblin x Teton.

2001 Mare, Pale Lady – She is also one of Thunder’s former mares and now walks with his son Xander.

2019 Filly, Almanac – She is out of Minnie x Satellite.

2013 Mare, Eagle – She is out of Daisy x Silver.

2004 Mare, Winter – She is one of Thunder’s former mares and is now with his son, Xander along with the rest of the family.

A few of the girls in Half Moon’s band – (L to R) Beaver, Sumac behind Punkin, Tanker, and Rosie

2014 Mare, Grace – She is out of Bella x Sidekick. I have mistaken her for Sidekick from far away more times than I would like to admit lol!

Mare Esprit, her granddaughter Belle, and Mare Daisy – Copper gets featured today for being in the background 😉
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