New Addition in Trooper’s Band

Hello everyone! It was a very hazy day in the park today. It made seeing things in the distance hard, but one thing still stood out with Trooper’s band; he had too many horses. After a large herd of bison moved through and I chatted with a lovely couple from Minnesota, I made my way out to his band. I could see as I got closer he had 2022 Filly, Honey, out of Mare Bee and formerly of Casper’s band.
The girls of Trooper’s band were unsure about her, but most of all, Belle. She had words with Honey, and then Trooper had words with her. This is not the first band she has been with recently, so we will have to wait and see how this plays out. Hopefully, Honey will find her place in the right band soon. We will keep you posted!

Honey and Trooper

Belle approaches Honey, and Trooper steps in.

Trooper’s Band and filly Honey
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