Remembering Red Face

We have received many questions and have had to wait for a lot of snow to melt, but we now have an answer for you. It is with heavy hearts that we report to you today that 2001 Stallion, Red Face, has passed away.
He was last seen in late November and was terribly thin. At the time, he was with his 2020 Colt, Banty, but shortly after, Banty showed up walking with Frosty, and we feared the worst for Red Face. The ground was now covered in snow, and hiking back into the area to look again was no longer safe. This week, however, I was able to hike back in and did locate his remains. He passed away several months ago, but we could identify him by the one thing he still carried with him – his star.
We have had many exceptional stallions live their entire lives inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park, but none were like Red Face. His power and might were remarkable to watch as he protected his band from rival stallions. His love for his foals was also no secret, as finding him on foal duty was not uncommon. However, nothing can or will ever compare to his love for Frosty. A bond like that in the Park does not come along very often.
While we were blessed to have spent over two decades with this incredible stallion, it still hurts and feels like it happened too soon. In time we will heal, but the Park will not be the same. A family lost its beloved member and leader, we lost the honor of watching him at work, and this herd of horses lost its king.
He leaves behind many foals living outside the Park and over a dozen still living on the inside. We will continue to share his story by watching them and do everything we can to ensure his life in Theodore Roosevelt National Park is never forgotten. Run wild and free forever, Red Face, with the greats who passed before you and know how very much you were loved 

Red Face in the fall (September 2020)

Red Face with his beautiful winter coat. (December 2016)

Red Face, Frosty, and their colt Banty (June 2021)

One of my favorite photos of Red Face with his colt Bravo. (Frosty, Denali, Red Face, Bravo, and Sundance – June 2015)

The power that was Red Face. (June 2020)

With his forever love Frosty (June 2018)

With his sire until the end… Banty and Red Face (Nov 2022)

Red Face looking out over the only place he ever called home. (December 2020)
RIP Red Face ❤
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