Snip’s Gray and Her Guardian

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Snip’s Gray and Her Guardian

Hello everyone! Today, I wanted to update you on Mare Snip’s Gray. When I last shared her, Stallion Guardian had recently picked her up. He had taken her from the young bachelors Banty and Amite, who were trying to claim her for themselves. In the process of doing that, his band left the area. Guardian chose to stay with Snip’s Gray. With his band alone, they were quickly found by stallion Buster and are walking with him today.
We may not understand why Guardian chose her over a larger band, but he made the right choice in my book. She needed an experienced stallion to keep the bachelors away, yet gentle enough not to push her around. She has found that in Guardian. Below is a look at Guardian and Snip’s Gray this past Friday when they were hanging near several of the other bands. Have a nice night!

2013 Band Stallion, Guardian with 2001 Mare, Snip’s Gray

2013 Band Stallion, Guardian