Spring Look at Flax’s Band

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Spring Look at Flax’s Band

Hello everyone! Earlier, we looked at two of Flax’s mares, Amargo and Mae. There was a request for a closer look at Flax, so today, we will look at him and the rest of his gorgeous band. Harmony is changing so fast; the new addition, Bess, seems to fit in nicely, and the big, beautiful Thunder Rose is still watching out for the band. Enjoy this look at Flax and his band, and have a great weekend!

2014 Mare, Thunder Rose (Pale Lady x Thunder)

2018 Mare, Patience (Smokie x Frontier) and her 2023 Filly, Harmony

2020 Mare, Bess (Autumn X Ollie Jr)

2019 Mare, Amargo (Thunder Rose x Flax) and her bestie/other mom 2013 Mare, Mae (Maggie X Cocoa)