Tag: mustangs

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Changes in Frontier’s Band

Good morning everyone! I realized I had forgotten to share the rest of Frontier’s band after my recent hike out to see them. It is suspected that he may have back their former family member, Mare Indian Paintbrush, as well but it has yet to be confirmed. She and her 2016 colt Indy were recently…
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Update on Scout

Hello everyone! Take a look at how gorgeous this little guy is now! This is Scout, out of Mare Raven x Mystery. He was the first foal of the season, born in February, making him almost 5 months old now. I will never forget the day I first saw him as I did some crazy…
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Mare Strawberry and Her Kids

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday! I was getting ready to share this photo of Mare Strawberry snuggling her 2018 filly, Calypso, when I was reminded of another photo of Strawberry I took almost exactly 3 years ago. Strawberry had a filly, named Shenandoah, who was born on the 4th of…
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Holiday With Circus

Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸 everyone! I thought I would have a little fun with this image of Bachelor Stallion Circus today to celebrate the holiday. This is an older photo but he is doing well. Hope you all have a fun and safe 4th! Thanks for all the support!

The Love in Satellite’s Band

Hello everyone. As promised, here is a look at the rest of Satellite’s band. As you can see from the photos below, they are a close family. Crow is Lightning’s 2007 filly and tends to stay near her dam even today. Two-year-old Minnie joined the family back in April when Satellite stole her from Ollie…
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