Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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New Colt for Skipper and Brutus

Hello everyone! You may remember a couple weeks ago when Eileen and I were surprised one morning by this cutie. He is the colt out of Skipper and the presumed sire is Brutus. The park has given him the name Arey after a stream in Alaska. This darling boy is looking great and growing fast!…
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Wild Friendship

Good morning! Here is a look at two mares I don’t normally share together, Cowgirl and Taylor of Thunder’s band. Taylor is a mare who doesn’t interact with the other mares very often unless it is her mom, Spotted Blue. However, this summer she seemed to be spending a lot of time with Cowgirl. On…
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Horse Spotlight – Mare River

Hello everyone! It’s been raining here hard for two days now. So today I will feature another horse from the TRNP herd. Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 is 2006 Mare, River. She is out of Frosty x Singlefoot and is currently running in Sidekick’s band. She has been with Sidekick for several years now. He acquired her…
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Horse Spotlight – Mare Dixie

Hello everyone! It’s time once again to feature another horse from the TRNP Herd. Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 is 2014 Mare, Dixie. She is out of Firefly x Silver. When I began tracking the horses, Dixie was a yearling still running with her natal band. In April of 2016, Coal managed to steal the then 2-year-old…
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Pretty Girl and Ardena

Hello everyone! We interrupt this nap time to bring you the newest member of Red Face’s band. 2003 Mare, Pretty Girl gave birth to a little filly this week. The park has given her the name Ardena after a stream in New Jersey. She is a cutie and has a very capable, experienced mom to…
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Watching Mom Roll

Hello everyone! It is always amusing to watch a foal when they see their dam roll. Most of the time, there is a three-part reaction. First, check to see if mom is alright. Second, trying to figure out what is going on and third, running off so they don’t accidentally get kicked! Below are a…
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