Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Teepee and Her New Filly Tontee

Hello everyone! We have a new addition to Teton’s band, a filly out of Mare Teepee. She looks a lot like her beautiful mother. She is the first foal for Teton’s band this year but she likely will not be the last.

Minnie and Her New Filly Satine

Hello everyone! We have another beauty to share with you all tonight. The photos below are of the new filly out of Mare Minnie. Many of you are aware that Satellite recently lost the band to stallion Flash however, stallion Satellite should be the sire of this filly. The name Satine (pronounced Sateen) was suggested…
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Grace and Her New Colt Black Hawk

Hello everyone! I want to first again thank everyone who helped save Medora from yesterday’s fire. We were also fortunate to have two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters sent by the National Guard that helped fight the fire. You are all heroes in our eyes! The little cutie you see below is what I had originally…
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The Birth of Chance

Hello everyone! Despite an unannounced round up that took us all by surprise, life has continued on for this herd. The little guy below is the perfect example of this. Yesterday while I was out checking on horses I was blessed with a once in a lifetime experience. The newest colt in the herd was…
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Satellite and Applewood

Hello everyone! As several of you may know, Stallion Satellite was located last week. He has taken quite the beating from his fight with Flash but he is getting around the Park just fine. I had the chance to sit with him yesterday afternoon. Honestly, I was just so happy to see him that I…
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Remembering the Ones We Lost

Hello everyone. While we have been blessed with several wonderful foals this week I do have to report that unfortunately, we have also lost two. I know this happens at least once each year but it is never easy. I came across the first foal yesterday while out checking horses. He was a colt with…
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