The Determination of Maverick

Hello everyone! The photo you see below is of Band Stallion Maverick this past May. It may show his scars and bites but what I see now when I look at this photo is determination. Nothing was going to stop him from getting his band back from Stallion Trooper. Little did he or any of us know just how much work that would take.
This has been a crazy year for Maverick. After losing his entire band to Trooper, he spent the next few months following them around the Park and put pressure on Trooper almost daily. It all finally paid off when he took his band back from Trooper in July.
All was quiet for the band until recently when Maverick took back his former mare, Patches, and their 2021 Filly, Poppy from Stallion Brutus. While we were all excited to see Brutus as a band stallion once again, deep down, we knew it was only a matter of time before one of the other stallions would discover him with the girls and try to take them from him. Brutus did provide them with a safe place to land and time to let Poppy grow away from battling stallions.
Time will tell if Maverick can keep the entire band together or if winter will bring more changes. Have a great weekend, everyone!