Update on Ranger’s Band

Hello everyone! I came across Ranger and his band last week while out in the park. Luckily, I was able to get a better look at Mare Twister. She injured her front leg in October while fighting off Wildrye. I’ve been taking video of her each time I see the band to look for any sign of improvement. Up until last week, I really had not noticed any and what I did see was minor. By some miracle, she is able to get around with the band. I sat and watched her walk and noticed she did go slightly faster than before. Walking isn’t my main concern with her though. She has proven for months now that she is tough enough to make it around the park. My concern is that she needs to be able to dig through the snow for food. When you don’t put any weight on one of your front legs that makes it quite a bit harder. The good news is she is eating. I watched her eat quite a bit while I was there and then she eventually laid down to rest. I do not know for sure the extent of her injury. I just hope it heals soon so she can move pain-free and put some extra weight on. While I was there, I did see something pretty neat. Ranger walked over to Twister and they grazed face to face (photo below). A couple of months ago, Twister would not have allowed that. She seems to be coming around to the young stallion. The rest of the band is doing good and seems content with Ranger as well. I will keep you updated on Twister when I can. Until then, keep her and the others in your thoughts as our weather is so cold right now. Thanks, everyone!

2005 Mare, Blondie and 2014 Mare, Gigi

Buster, Twister, Blondie, and Gigi

Blondie and 2016 Colt, Buster

2005 Mare, Twister and Ranger grazing side by side.