Update On Xander’s Band

Hello everyone! I was recently asked about a few members of Xander’s band and realized I have not posted his band in some time. I have from time to time shared updates on Boomer and Amite, but today I would like to share the rest of the band. For those who may not know, Xander is the 2014 colt out of Mare Cowgirl and Stallion Thunder. He stole his natal band from his sire, Thunder, in April of 2020. Although Xander was now in charge, Thunder would continue to follow his former band almost daily. As he grew stronger, he began to walk with the band and no longer be chased away by his son. However, that has changed in the last few months. He can oftentimes be seen in the area near the other horses in the Park, but he is no longer walking with his former band as he had been. Below is a look at Xander’s band. I didn’t get a new photo of Amite on this day before he walked off, but he is still with Boomer and their family. Enjoy!

Xander and some of his band – (l to r) Taylor, Spotted Blue, Xander, Pale Lady, and Winter

2014 Mare, Taylor

2020 Colt, Boomer

2001 Mare, Pale Lady and 2004 Mare, Winter

2010 Mare, Cowgirl

2007 Mare, Angel

2020 Filly, Blue Angel

2005 Mare, Spotted Blue
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