Checking on Applewood’s Band

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Checking on Applewood’s Band

Hello everyone! It was a busy week in the park, with some added snow to brighten things up. You may remember when I shared with you at the beginning of February that Applewood had picked up mare Birch and her filly Aspen. At that time, he had been holding them off and on throughout the winter. I did not mention that there were two other additions with Applewood the day I sat with the band. Mare Frosty and her colt Cody were also with the band. However, their being with Applewood was new, and Frosty has always had a reputation for going where she wants, so we watched and waited to see if the two of them would stay. Fast forward almost two months, and not only is Applewood still holding Birch and Aspen, but Frosty and Cody continue to walk with them. I am not sure I would say Applewood is holding Frosty and her colt. Instead, she seems content where she is and has decided to stay for now. As the oldest horse in the park at 25, she should be allowed to do whatever makes her happy. Below is a look at Applewood and the rest of the band. I will share more of Frosty and Cody with you soon; until then, enjoy this look at Applewood’s band!

Mare Birch and her stallion Applewood

Birch, Applewood, and 2023 Filly, Aspen (out of Birch)

Cody (Frosty x Red Face) and his momma, Frosty

Frosty, Cody, Birch, and Aspen