Guardian’s Gang

Hello everyone! It is always fun to see which bachelors will group up during summer. Recently, this group of boys has been seen running together, causing many problems for the band stallions. Guardian, the oldest, appears to lead the crew of usually seven, including Anzar, Applewood, Arey, Banty, Bart, and the newest bachelor, Aloe. Alluvium will join them from time to time. I will have more to share about the trouble they have been causing on a different day. Until then, enjoy this look at the boys!

(l to r) Guardian, Banty, Anzar, Bart, Arey, and Applewood

Bart, Guardian, Arey, and Aloe are in the front – Applewood, Banty, Anzar, and Alluvium are in the back

The boys and some bison (l to r) Guardian, Banty, Anzar, Applewood, Aloe, Arey, Bart, and Alluvium
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