Half Moon and His Band

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a look at the rest of Half Moon’s band. He currently holds a band of 6 mares, his 2019 colt out of Rosie, and now his newest filly out of Punkin. Since I last posted on Half Moon’s band this winter, he has continued to do his best to keep stallion Guardian at bay. He and Guardian have a long history of fighting over these mares and it seems Guardian is determined to not give up so easy this time. During my afternoon with the band last week, Guardian was nearby once again but this time he had some help from bachelor stallion Trooper. Half Moon continually chased them both off for some time before they finally left to go help Xander and Remington put pressure on the other bands in the area. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out between these two but for now, Half Moon is holding strong and keeping his family together. As you can see in the first image below, he is a tough stallion and has the scars to prove it. I took this photo as he watched Guardian and Trooper finally runoff. Drenched with sweat and still sporting some of his winter coat, the scars he has acquired over the years really stand out. Personally I think it makes him even more stunning. I will write under each photo to help with identifying the members of his band. Enjoy and stay safe everyone <3

2014 Mare, Eclipse – Freckles, who is also in this band, is her dam.

2019 Colt, Aloe out of Mare Rosie

2011 Mare, Sumac – She is Guardian’s dam.

2004 Mare, Freckles and 2001 Mare, Tanker

2004 Mare, Rosie

2019 Colt, Aloe has the coolest mane 😉

Mare Punkin and the new addition to the band – her beautiful little filly.

Band Stallion, Half Moon defending his band