Shaking Off the Cold

Hello everyone! Despite the snow today, I decided to head to the park and check on a few of the horses. In the last couple of days, the horses had moved from the easy to reach spot to one a little more difficult two miles away. I could see Red Face down below so I made the hike down to spend some time with them. While I was there, I captured these images of Mare Emmylou I had to share. I have photographed horses shaking the dust off after rolling many times but I don’t think I’ve ever captured snow. Emmylou was taking a nap with Flame and Molly when I arrived at the band. When she woke, she took a quick roll in the snow before getting up. I watched her as she stood up, yawned a few times, then shook it all off! Even in the winter, the horses need to roll. Enjoy and thanks, everyone!

Emmylou right after she rolled in the snow.

Mare Emmylou

Shaking more of the snow off…

Such a pretty girl ❤️