Horse Spotlight – Mares Lightning and Crow

Hello everyone! With the new foal I got behind on featuring horses from the herd. So back to it!
Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 will be a two-for-one of the mother/daughter duo, 1998 Mare, Lightning and 2007 Mare, Crow. Both mares are currently running in Satellite’s band. Crow is Lightning’s daughter by the late stallion, Singlefoot. Both Lightning and Crow were stolen by Satellite in 2012 and have been with him ever since. There was a brief period where Coal had the girls but they fought being with him and eventually found their way back to Satellite. Lightning’s last surviving foal was Colorado in 2016. He has since been adopted. Crow’s last live foal was Double Diamond in 2017. He was also adopted to a great home with other park horses. Below are some photos of the girls from the past few years as well as, photos of them with their foals. Be sure to read under each photo for a little more background. Enjoy and thanks, everyone!

1998 Mare, Lightning in 2017. Lightning is also the dam to the 2014 bachelor, Maverick.

Crow, Satellite, and Lightning in 2018

2007 Mare, Crow – Little known fact: Crow has blue in her right eye.

Lightning and her 2016 Colt, Colorado. I love how he has a small white patch on his right side just like his momma.

Crow and her 2017 Colt, Double Diamond

Satellite’s band 2016 – This photo was taken when Colorado was 3 months old. He is standing next to Lightning in the front. The colt next to Sweetheart is her 2016 foal, Wisconsin.

Crow and her 2016 Filly, Arkansas – She was removed from the park and adopted.

2016 Filly, Arkansas – Crow x Satellite She had one blue eye. A lot of horses in the park get their blues eyes from Singlefoot. He was her grandfather.

Satellite and his girls Lightning, and Crow.