Summer Look at Grady’s Band

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Summer Look at Grady’s Band

Hello everyone! Today I have for you a look at the rest of Grady’s band. Grady gained his first and current band at the end of July 2019. He managed to steal the band from their previous stallion, Ranger. Grady held off Ranger for several weeks and eventually was able to keep control of his new band. After having the band for a short time, he would remove Gigi’s younger brother, 2016 Colt, Buster, making him a bachelor for the first time. In 2020, Gigi would give birth to a filly named Bonnet. She is assumed to be the first foal for Stallion Grady. Enjoy this look at this beautiful band, and have a great weekend!

2005 Mare, Blondie – She was keeping an eye on fellow mare Twister who was across the road from the band.

2020 Filly, Bonnet and her mother, 2014 Mare, Gigi

Bonnet and Blazo in deep conversation

Blondie and Arcola – everyone had to stop and roll in this same spot 😉

2015 Band Stallion, Grady