Tag: wild and free

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Satellite’s Family

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the rest of Satellite’s band. He has held Mare Lightning and her daughter, Crow for many years. He picked up Mare Minnie in 2018. She gave birth to their filly, Almanac in April of this year. Pictured above: 2007 Mare, Crow and 2019 Filly, Almanac (out of Minnie)


Here is a look at 2001 Band Stallion, Satellite. He is recognizable to the public by the large growth on his chest. It has been there for years and does not appear to bother him. When he was younger, Satellite was the lieutenant stallion for the double band of Red Face and Singlefoot. He became…
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Another Black Beauty

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the gorgeous 2004 Band Stallion, Mystery. He is the son of the late stallion, Singlefoot. He has had several offspring over the years including Half Moon, Sumac, Teepee, Esprit, and Gunner. All five are living wild and free in the park today. He currently holds a band of…
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Lazy Sunday

Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying a relaxing weekend like Daisy, Copper, and Democracy. Have a great day!

Horse Spotlight – Band Stallion Arrowhead

Hello everyone! I am mixing it up today and featuring a stallion from the TRNP herd. Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 is 2010 Band Stallion, Arrowhead. Arrowhead, is the 2010 son of Mare Bella by the late stallion, Embers. He won his first mare in the winter of 2016. He and his longtime bachelor buddy, Ollie Jr.,…
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Horse Spotlight – Mare River

Hello everyone! It’s been raining here hard for two days now. So today I will feature another horse from the TRNP herd. Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 is 2006 Mare, River. She is out of Frosty x Singlefoot and is currently running in Sidekick’s band. She has been with Sidekick for several years now. He acquired her…
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