Visiting With Brutus

Hello everyone. Today, we are going to look at the always handsome stallion Brutus. He was seen over the weekend, gracing visitors with his presence. He never seems to make it that easy for me, but that is okay! I enjoy our visits away from the park’s loop road traffic.
Some of you might not know he is the sire of Arey, the stallion from yesterday’s post. If anyone can heal and come back stronger, it is the son of Brutus. Arey has already dealt with his share of injuries in his short five years. He was injured in the eye before he turned a year old, possibly from a tree branch, but honestly, we really do not know. I am also not sure he can see out of it correctly. However, he did not let that stop him. He is his father’s son.
The photo below of Brutus was taken just over two weeks ago during my most recent visit with him. We both ate our lunch, and then I left him to rest in the sun. Before leaving, I grabbed this photo of him. He is thin and has been for some time, but he is still just as handsome as ever. I never want to show him in a bad light, so I hope this photo shows an amazing stallion’s strength and determination. We love you, Brutus, and I look forward to our next visit.