Brutus Attempts a Comeback

Hello everyone! Last weekend while driving through the Park I came across a surprise. Former Band Stallion, Brutus was at Boicourt and he wasn’t alone. He had managed to steal back some of his original band from stallion Maverick. I watched them for a short while before Brutus moved them out of the area. At that time he had Cassie, Dawn, Copper Penny, Paisley, Skipper, and her colt Arey who was sired by Brutus. Earlier this week I hiked out to see if Brutus was still holding the girls and sure enough he was. This afternoon I came across Maverick’s band and it looked as though he had managed to get back Skipper and Arey. I decided to make the hike out to Brutus once again to see if he still had any of the mares. I was looking around when something on the ridge about a mile from the one I was on caught my eye. I zoomed in with my camera and there was Brutus with Paisley, Copper Penny, and either Cassie or Dawn (it was too hard to tell which from so far away). At first, I thought both Cassie and Dawn were there until I saw the blaze of the other horse. It wasn’t one of the girls but Maverick! He and Brutus were on the ridge in some sort of standoff. Not only that, Maverick had left his band over a mile away to follow Brutus onto that ridge. Brutus was out front with the three remaining mares behind him. Maverick was a ways away just watching. I watched from a distance for a bit but then I could see the snow coming in the distance and decided it was time to hike out. When I left the two stallions were holding their positions. Time will tell if Brutus can keep the three remaining girls. Maverick has held this band for some time and obviously is not ready to give them all up so easily. Below are a few photos from last weekend when I came across Brutus with the girls and one showing what I discovered today. I will keep you updated on how this all turns out. Thanks, everyone!

Mares Cassie and Dawn with Brutus – You can see that Brutus still has a swollen knee.

The mares and colt that Brutus had originally got back. (L to R: Copper Penny, Paisley, Arey, Skipper, Dawn, and Cassie)

Here is the scene I came upon today. Maverick (on the far left) stands and watches Brutus as he attempts to hold onto the last three mares he took from Maverick. He may not be able to keep these three but the fact that he was able to get them in the first place makes me feel like he is improving since his leg injury.
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