Cloud’s New Girls

Hello everyone! Some of you may have seen a post I did last week on Wild in North Dakota about Georgia’s Boy and his band. Well, a lot can change in a week. Cloud has taken two of Georgia’s Boy’s mares, Holly and Boo. I am not sure when he got them but I have a feeling it was within the last day. I did see Georgia’s Boy yesterday on my way home from the park and he still had Whiskey with him. The other two girls seem settled with Cloud. Holly has been in Cloud’s band before and Boo has lived with Shale in the past. Below are a few photos from my time with them this morning. Thanks, everyone!

Cloud and all his girls – (l to r) Boo, Holly, Shale, Flicka, and Cloud

1996 Mare Flicka, 2002 Mare Shale, and Cloud

2014 Mares, Holly and Boo