Emmylou’s Afternoon Snooze

Hello everyone! It’s been a great week for hiking in the park and I took full advantage of the warm weather. For the last three days, I have seen Red Face and his band while hiking to check on other bands. We have a routine now. I come over the hill in the morning, they all stare at me, and then once I am close enough to figure out it’s just me they go back to grazing and ignore me lol. We repeat this process later in the day when I leave too. One afternoon on my way out I came across Emmylou snoozing in the sun. She looked so sweet I had to take a few pictures of her. She hadn’t woken up until I accidentally crunched some snow as I started to walk away. That’s when she rose her head and gave me the ‘you woke me up’ look. Oops! She quickly laid back down as I left and continued on with her nap. I think we are still friends 😉

She heard me starting to leave and opens her eye just a little…