Horse Spotlight – Mare Stormy

Hello everyone! It’s time again to feature another horse from the TRNP herd.
Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 is 1999 Mare, Stormy! She is currently running in Ollie Jr.’s band with her 2019 Colt, Applewood. Stormy, along with her current bandmates Autumn and Sapphire, were stolen from Cocoa in 2018 just before his passing. She currently has two offspring still living in the park, Applewood and Mare Juniper (Copper’s band). Below are photos of Stormy over the last five years along with a few of her foals. I will write under each photo so be sure to scroll through. Enjoy and thanks, everyone!

Stormy walking down the road with Autumn’s colt, Warrior ❤️ (2015)

Stormy and her 2015 Filly, Lassen

Stormy and Cocoa watching over the band as they sleep. (2015)

Mare Stormy (2016)

Stormy and her 2016 Colt, Arizona

Stormy and Arizona (2016)

Mare Stormy (2017)

Stormy and Cocoa a few months before he passed away (2018)

Stormy and the girls with their new stallion, Ollie Jr. (2018)

My favorite photo of Stormy ❤️ (2018)

Stormy and her 2019 Colt, Applewood x Ollie Jr.

1999 Mare, Stormy (2019) – 20 years old