Saga of Xander and Thunder

Hello everyone! Today I have for you a look at Thunder and his family. For those who have followed the Thunder/Xander saga since this spring, you know that Thunder was injured while fighting off his 2014 son, Xander back in April. Even with the injury, the 19-year-old stallion did not give up and continued to stick close to his band all summer despite his son Xander now being in control. Over time, we witnessed Thunder’s strength and determination pay off when he began to get closer and closer to the band and Xander would chase him off less and less. This fall, we have seen Thunder getting around better, occasionally leading the band, and almost daily standing among them all. As of late, Thunder has been seen spending more and more time with mare Cowgirl in particular. This is a good thing as she is Xander’s mother. Time will tell if Thunder will ever heal enough to take the band from Xander but for now, this arrangement appears to be working out for all of them. Below are a few photos of the entire band. Enjoy!

2005 Mare, Spotted Blue and 2001 Mare, Pale Lady

2014 Mare, Taylor

Spotted Blue, Taylor, Pale Lady, Winter, and Cowgirl

2007 Mare, Angel and her 2020 Filly, Blue Angel

2019 Colt, Amite sticking close to his sire, Thunder – He is out of Mare Strawberry and has remained with the band while she moves around. He is no longer nursing so it is best that he remains with the band and his father, especially with winter approaching.

2014 Band Stallion, Xander out of Cowgirl x Thunder

2001 Former Band Stallion, Thunder
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