Satellite and Applewood

Hello everyone! As several of you may know, Stallion Satellite was located last week. He has taken quite the beating from his fight with Flash but he is getting around the Park just fine. I had the chance to sit with him yesterday afternoon. Honestly, I was just so happy to see him that I sat quietly and watched him sleep for about 20-30 minutes. He has quite a few bites on his body, face, and neck but that is to be expected. He has moved several miles in the last few days to different areas of the Park so I do feel he will be alright. He just needs some time to heal. One good thing did come out of all this though. As you can see in the photo below, he is not alone. Over the weekend he managed to come across the recently kicked out Applewood. He is a coming two-year-old and was all alone for several days. While he would have been fine on his own, having a seasoned stallion to guide him and be his buddy is wonderful.
For those who may not know Applewood, he is the 2019 Colt out of Mare Stormy by Stallion Ollie Jr. Two weekends ago, Ollie stole the young filly, Ardena from Stallion Remington. Within a few days, Ollie chased Applewood out of the band. He was chased even further away from his natal band by Stallion Guardian who happened to be in the area and has been hanging out in less frequented areas of the Park ever since. To add another twist to all of this, Ollie then went and stole Mare Freckles and her filly Katie from Guardian. As you can see, it has been a big week for Ollie Jr.
I know that is a lot to keep track of so to summarize:
-Ollie took 2019 Filly, Ardena from Remington.
-Ollie kicked out 2019 Colt, Applewood.
-Ollie stole Mare Freckles and her filly, Katie from Guardian.
-Satellite came across Applewood and they are now walking together.
There are a lot of changes this time of year and I will continue to update you when I can. In the meantime, continue to send positive thoughts to Satellite as he begins to heal. The photo below is of Satellite and his new buddy, Applewood yesterday afternoon. Thanks, everyone!